Book Cover

The culture key between Asia and the West

Author: Zsuzsanna Tungli Language: English Summary: Do you want to execute your international strategy successfully, fully realize your market opportunities and lead your multinational teams effectively? The Culture Key between Asia and the West helps you explore how to bridge the main cultural differences you cannot afford to ignore: 1. Direct and indirect communication styles; 2. The different approaches to hierarchy; 3. The role of … Continue reading The culture key between Asia and the West

Book cover

Palermo è una cipolla

Author: Roberto Alajmo Language: Italiano Summary: Ogni libro dovrebbe avere almeno l’aspirazione di essere eterno. Almeno, l’aspirazione: sapendo che non potrà mai arrivarci. E questo libro quella strada l’aveva imboccata. Ma il tempo passa, e la Città cambia e sì, in moltissime cose la Città è cambiata in meglio. Certo, c’è sempre da fare i conti con l’eterna propensione all’”annacamento”. Ogni due passi avanti corrisponde … Continue reading Palermo è una cipolla

Raising global nomads: parenting abroad in an on-demand world

Author: Robin Pascoe

Language: English

Summary: A lot has changed since well-known Canadian author Robin Pascoe wrote Culture Shock! A Parent’s Guide. The world has become globalized, digitalized, and sadly, terrorized. That’s the big picture that Pascoe examines in Raising Global Nomads. In her own life, the author’s day job raising her two children has ended as her daughter begins a career as an environmental activist and her son heads to university. In her fifth book for expatriate families, the author recounts with honesty and trademark humour what worked for her family and shares the hard lessons learned. Parenting styles in general, and of third culture kids in particular, have changed dramatically, prompting this timely and comprehensive reexamination of the challenges of parenting abroad — Source:

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Sammy’s next move: Sammy the snail is a travelling snail who lives in different countries

Author: Helen Maffin

Language: English

Summary: Sammy’s Next Move is a wonderful story about a snail named Sammy who lives around the world with his parents. He is a ‘third culture kid’, TCK or global nomad. He often moves to new countries and has to change schools and make new friends. Sammy experiences the feelings and thoughts common to children in similar situations. Sammy is a snail and so he carries his home with him wherever he goes, just as a third culture kid does by knowing that home is where their heart is! Source:

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Call me Okaasan: adventures in multicultural mothering

Author: Suzanne Kamata

Language: English

Summary: What happens when your child doesn’t speak your native language? How do you maintain cultural traditions while living outside your native country? And how can you raise a child with two cultures without fracturing his/her identity? From our house to your house – to the White House – more and more mothers are facing questions such as these. Whether through intercultural marriage, international adoption or peripatetic lifestyles, families these days are increasingly multicultural. In this collection, women around the world, such as Xujun Eberlein, Violet Garcia-Mendoza, Rose Kent, Marie Lamba, Leza Lowitz, Holly Thompson, Saffia Farr, and others, ponder the unique joys and challenges of raising children across two or more cultures. Source:

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Book Cover

Per il mio bene

Author: Ema Stokholma

Language: Italiano

Summary: “Non sei mai al sicuro in nessun posto”, questo ha imparato Morwenn, una bambina di cinque anni. Perché Morwenn ha paura di un mostro, un mostro che non si nasconde sotto il letto o negli armadi, ma vive con lei, controlla la sua vita. Un mostro che lei chiama “mamma”. La persona che dovrebbe esserle più vicina, che dovrebbe offrirle amore e protezione e invece sa darle solo violenza e odio. La picchia, la insulta, le fa male sia nel corpo che nell’anima. A lei e a Gwendal, suo fratello, di pochi anni più grande. Morwenn prova a fuggire, ma la società non lascia che una bambina così piccola si allontani dalla madre, e tutti sembrano voltarsi dall’altra parte davanti alle scenate, ai “conti che si faranno a casa”, ai lividi. Così, aspettando e pregando per una liberazione, Morwenn imparerà a mettere su una corazza, a rispondere male ai professori, a trovare una nuova famiglia e un primo amore in un gruppo di amici, a usare la musica per isolarsi e proteggersi. Finché, compiuti quindici anni, riuscirà finalmente a scappare di casa e a intraprendere il percorso, fatto di tentativi ed errori, che la porterà a diventare Ema Stokholma, amatissima dj e conduttrice radiofonica.

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